The Nigerian Air Force training date 2023 has finally been announced. The exact date and training camp for the Nigerian Air Force recruitment screening exercise has finally been made public by the management of the Nigerian Air Force.
All pre-selected Nigerian Air Force shortlisted candidates are expected to arrive at the training camp within the scheduled dates and times because failure to do so may lead to disqualification.
If you are eager to know more about the physical training exercise, then we have provided detailed information concerning the Nigerian Air Force physical training just for you.
We will reveal everything you need to know about the forthcoming physical training exercise starting from the Nigerian Air Force training date, the scheduled time for the Nigerian Air Force physical training, and the exact training venue nationwide.
This page contains all the details you need to know regarding the Nigerian Air Force training exercise. So scroll down if you are eager to know when the Nigerian Air Force recruitment training for 2023 will take place.
Nigerian Air Force Training Date 2023
The officials of the Nigerian Air Force have made it known that the scheduled Nigerian Air Force physical training will take place this year, as it is part of the recruitment process for all pre-selected applicants. Also, the Nigerian Air Force training exercise may last for two (2) weeks.
All candidates whose names appeared on the Nigerian Air Force list of shortlisted candidates are urged to appear at their various training locations on the exact dates and scheduled time.
Every day, we update the general public on the most recent information regarding the Nigerian Air Force recruitment process and physical training date and venue.
A date has not yet been fixed for the Nigerian Air Force 2023 recruitment training exercise at the moment. We will update this page once the date is fixed and made public.
If you don’t want to miss any updates on the Nigerian Air Force training date and location, then we strongly suggest that you continue checking this website frequently for updates.
Nigerian Air Force Training Centers for all Shortlisted Candidates
The Nigerian Air Force physical training exercise will be held in selected states nationwide. All candidates who have been pre-selected will attend the Nigerian Air Force training at their various designated locations across the federation.
All candidates who have been shortlisted must appear at their various training camps before the scheduled date and time. If at all possible, get to the training center the day before the training session.
NOTE: You will be informed about the Nigerian Air Force training date, training location, and time via the registered email address or phone number you provided during registration. Therefore, we advise you to frequently check your email address and SMS for these important updates.
Nigerian Air Force Training Requirements
All candidates are expected to appear at the training camp with the following documents:
- Two Recent Passports Photographs
- Original and photocopy of their credentials
- Birth Certificate/Declaration of Age
- Certificate of Origin
- Duly completed Guarantor’s Form
From time to time, we publish the latest recruitment procedures concerning the Nigerian Air Force. So in order to receive the latest updates, we recommend that you save this page and check it as frequently as you can so as to stay updated regarding the Nigerian Air Force training exercise for all shortlisted candidates.
Just leave a comment below this page if you have any questions regarding the 2023 Nigerian Air Force training date and centers, and we will respond to your request.